Children's entertainer
From: Sines, Portugal
Hello, welcome to my blog, as the name says I make papier máchê objects. Papier máchê is a very versatile material, you can make almost almost anything you imagine. I love using it.
I make a wide range of objects: piñatas, puppets, marionettes, decorative objects, furniture and the latest things that I make are jewellery. Hope you like what you see, thank you.
I make string piñatas, these have about 20 string on the bottom part, some of the strings are attached to small holes, about seven, when you push these, the cap of the hole falls out and some sweets come out of the piñata. The other strings are not attached to any holes, when these are pulled normally nothing comes out. You can simultaneously play a game at the same time as you pull the piñatas´ strings, this can be any game in which the members gradually have to get out of the game, but pull a string before they do so, for example, dancing chairs. The game goes on until the last string is left, normally this string is in a different colour from the others so that it can be recognised and it is attached to the big hole around the piñatas bottom. Normally this string is pulled by the birthday child or whoever wins the game.
After it is used the piñata can get a new bottom and can be used again and again for as many times you wish to use it, as long as it gets a new bottom or until the top part is in good condition.
You can see some examples of piñatas that I make below.
I also make the more known piñata, the one which is broken using a stick. I don´t normally give too much time to the decoration of these piñatas because the are going to be destroyed. You can see some examples of these below.
As a childrens entertainer I found that sometimes the parties I went to did not have anywhere to hang the piñatas, so I invented the sweet bomb. The sweet bomb as I called it is something between a piñata and a Christmas cracker. It does not have to be hanged, the children are divided into two teams and each team holds on to one of the two cords on either side of the sweet bomb and when they are told to, they pull the cord and the sweet bomb breaks into two pieces letting all the sweets out. You can see some examples below.
In some of the parties that I entertain and when the kids are very young, I normally do a play with puppets that I make.
I make three types of puppets, hand puppets that only have the heads made out of papier máchê, rod puppets that have the head and part of the bodies made of papier máchê and the rest of the body is made out of cloth, sometimes these can be all made out of papier máchê and last but not least the marionettes in which the bodies are all made of papier máchê. The hair is made out of wool and is all stuck in holes that I drill on the head.
Next you can see some examples of these.
These are rod puppets a wolf, a rabbit and a monkey.
This is a crocodile of course.
In what relates to decorative pieces I have made many kind of objects bowls, pots, photo frames, masks, boxes, furniture, etc.
Next I will show you some of them, but you can see some more in my video show on the right hand side of my blog.
This is a Chinese inspired box with a twist.
This is a pot with a image that I took from a history book.
These are two photo frames all decorated with coloured egg shell.
This is a shelve that I made for a client of mine.
I have a new blog where you can see my jewellery in papier máchê if you wish to see it just click on jewellery in papier mache, my blogs on the top right hand side of this bolg.
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